J. D. Vance doesn’t look like himself. In recent days, memes have spread across social media in which the vice president’s ...
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, All the king's horses and all the king's men, Couldn't put Humpty together again. He fell off the wall - from the highest high - so high!
Humpty Dumpty is a metaphor for environmental regulation, put on the wall by the government, only to be knocked to the ground ...
He looks like a bearded baby or Humpty Dumpty. Sometimes, he is holding a lollipop and wearing a child’s baseball cap with a propeller affixed to the top. One meme takes his edited baby face and ...
He looks like a bearded baby or Humpty Dumpty. Sometimes, he is holding a lollipop and wearing a child’s baseball cap with a propeller affixed to the top. One meme takes his edited baby face and ...