I was the “different” kid. I had intense interests that I went on monologues about, I missed social cues, and I checked out of conversations to stare at the wall while my mind wandered.
This process may be less fine-tuned in people with autism, research ... Let Sleeping Babies Lie: Scientists Highlight Negative Impacts of Sleep Disruption on Early Brain Development Oct.
For Whitehouse, professor of autism research at the Telethon Kids Institute and the University of Western Australia in Perth, the experience came as a shock. “It’s so absurd that just a true and ...
"Autism detox" treatments, which include minerals like zeolite, are rising in popularity for promising to treat or reverse the diagnosis. Experts warn there is no science behind these claims.
Scientists have discovered a link between altered gut bacteria in children and autism and predict stool samples could be used ...
Yet, the controversy regarding the vaccine-autism link still persists in the public eye. The question for many, including me as a medical scientist involved in autism research, is why? This is the ...
Toxic substances linked to autism and cancer are present at dangerous levels in Girl Scout Cookies, a study warns. Every sample of cookie tested contained glyphosate, the active ingredient in ...
A pioneering study by Chinese scientists researching autism spectrum disorder suggests that an unexpected ally – probiotics found in cheese – could offer a novel pathway for alleviating symptoms.
A Yale-led team of scientists found that estrogens could reverse abnormal behavior in zebrafish carrying a mutation in a gene strongly associated with autism and seizures in humans, they reported Jan.
The unsatisfying answer to this question is that scientists still don’t fully grasp what leads to autism. Rather than a single gene or lifestyle trend, autism is the result of complex ...