The movie, which debuted with a 100% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, follows a teenager named Elliott Labrant (Maisy Stella) who comes face-to-face with her future self (Plaza) after a mushroom trip.
Francis Ford Coppola‘s passion project Megalopolis has received countless jeers from critics and haters, but the one part of the film everyone agrees is spectacular is Aubrey Plaza‘s performance.
A third person said: “Aubrey Plaza, I have a new role proposal for you.” “Let Aubrey Plaza play her in the inevitable movie,” someone else chimed in. Rodriguez’s alleged victims included ...
A Colombian hitwoman known as “The Doll” was recently arrested in connection to several murders, including the killing of her ex-boyfriend. Now, the internet wants Aubrey Plaza to play her in a movie ...
A Colombian hitwoman known as “The Doll” was recently arrested in connection to several murders, including the killing of her ex-boyfriend. Now, the internet wants Aubrey Plaza to play her in ...