This meeting is aimed at scientists working in the disciplines of atmospheric science, physics, chemistry, sea-ice science, meteorology, and oceanography, to discuss their results from field campaigns ...
Atmospheric science is the study of the dynamics and chemistry of the layers of gas that surround the Earth, other planets and moons. This encompasses the interactions between various parts of the ...
With important contributions of the Analytical, Environmental, and Atmospheric Chemistry Division (“ANYL”), the University of Colorado-Boulder was ranked #2 in Atmospheric science worldwide (2023 ...
The graduate program in atmospheric science (ATSC) at the University of Wyoming offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Because our student/faculty ratio is relatively small, students have the opportunity to ...
Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning” is real science. Here’s how dust, atmospheric ...
On Monday, Aldrich took his students to the MU’s CAVE – Computer Assisted Virtual Environment – for a virtual and augmented ...
The dividing line between gas giant planets and failed stars is blurry at best. The isolated planetary-mass object SIMP ...
Imagine for a moment the atmosphere is a kitchen sink. Wildfires, industry emissions, plants and microbes dump their grimy dishes into it in the form ...