The Greeks were always putting on big parties for their gods. Athens was the place to go in ancient Greece for culture. Every four years, Athens held the Panathenaic Games. Thousands of people ...
Athenian society was composed of four main social classes - slaves, metics (non-citizen freepersons), women, and citizens, but within each of these broad classes were several sub-classes (such as ...
Written around 375 B.C., it reveals the central importance of the feast to classical Greek culture. Like Xenophon’s earlier work, Plato’s is also set at the dinner party of a famous Athenian poet.
The findings show that Greek society was quicker to recover from the societal collapse than what was assumed in the past. In 2013, a team of archaeologists exploring the ancient town of Eleon ...
The two cultures feature a continuity and ancient Roman Culture has a strong influence and inheritance from ancient Greek Culture.