雅达利公司近日揭晓了一项令人怀念的回归计划,其经典游戏机 Atari 7800+ 即将于明日正式上市,定价为130美元,折合人民币约为942元。 这款 Atari 7800+ 游戏机是对昔日经典 Atari 7800 的现代诠释,不仅在外形上继承了前者的经典设计,更在功能上进行了全面升级。它完美兼容数百款 Atari 2600 和 7800 ...
尤为值得一提的是,Atari 7800+还随机附赠了全新的无线游戏手柄CX78+,其设计充分考虑了人体工学,旨在为玩家带来更加舒适、精准的操控体验。这一 ...
The Atari 7800+ is the most pure gaming experience I’ve had from any device in a long, long time. I don’t have nostalgia for the original console, which came out in 1986, eight years before I ...
Like a lot of children of the '80s, my early gaming nostalgia has a huge hole where the Atari 7800 might have lived. While practically everyone I knew had an NES during my childhood—and a few ...
IT之家 11 月 29 日消息,雅达利宣布旗下 Atari 7800+ 复古游戏主机将于北京时间明天正式发售,售价为 130 美元(当前约 942 元人民币)。 Atari 7800 ...
The Atari 7800+ is a more compact and improved take on the Atari 7800, released in 1986. The recreation comes with new features, such as a USB-C charging cable. It also offers HDMI connectivity ...
Last week we had The Spectrum, while this week it's the turn of the Atari 7800+. Similar to last year's excellent Atari 2600+, the Atari 7800+ is compatible with most of your old 2600 and 7800 ...