BJP candidate Sreejaya Chavan, daughter of ex-Maharashtra chief minister Ashok Chavan, is leading in Bhokar, as the per the latest poll data. As of 3.30pm, Sreejaya Chavan is ahead of Congress ...
Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Former Maharashtra CM Ashok Chavan, who recently joined the BJP, refuted Rahul Gandhi's claims regarding a senior Congress leader breaking down in front of Sonia Gandhi ...
Mumbai: Prithviraj Chavan, who was chief minister of Maharashtra from 2010 to 2014, filed an election petition before the Bombay High Court a few days.
Tasked with securing a win for BJP candidate Prataprao Chikhalikar Patil in the Nanded Lok Sabha seat, former Maharashtra Chief Minister and BJP’s Rajya Sabha member Ashok Chavan is campaigning ...