Please, see the separate insert about valve replacement for more information. It will take you approximately two to three months to fully recover from undergoing ascending aortic aneurysm/dissection ...
A CT scan provides valuable information about your aorta, such as the location and size of an aneurysm or dissection. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI ... It will take you approximately one month to ...
Treatment is emergent coronary bypass surgery. Carotid artery dissection: When the carotid artery is involved in the ascending aortic dissection, symptoms of carotid artery dissection may occur ...
Thoracic aortic dissection occurs when the intima of the aorta becomes compromised and “tears” or “dissects” a new layer that fills with blood between the intima and the media. This ...
Artivion, Inc. announced the presentation of clinical data from the PERSEVERE United States investigational device exemption (I ...
It was an aortic dissection, a serious condition that tears a layer of the heart's main artery. O'Neal gave birth by C-section that day, right before going into emergency open chest surgery.
As a result, the aortic wall may tear (aortic dissection) or bulge outward (aortic ... or child with one have had surgery to ...
In patients with acute aortic dissection with poor preoperative sleep quality, there is increased risk for adverse clinical outcomes.