Kate Bliss, the renowned antiques expert, found herself in a tough spot during a recent episode of Antiques Road Trip. The 50 ...
Antiques Road Trip star Kate Bliss was left raging as she admitted a seller was "killing" her with the fee he was charging ...
Antiques Road Trip is a BBC television show that was first aired in 2010 and is narrated by Tim Wonnacott. The series follows antiques experts who compete against each other to see who can turn ...
Bargain Hunt and Antiques Road Trip star Jonathan Pratt has revealed ... is readying himself for a stint on-stage as part of ...
Olympians Linford Christie and Katharine Merry race to make the most money from antiques. David Gower and Nick Hancock put friendship aside for a head-to-head antiques contest.
Antiques Road Trip expert Roo Irvine gave her co-star Natasha Raskin Sharp a heads up that things were "kicking off" between two of their guests. In the celebrity version of the BBC programme ...
Raj Bisram is a familar face on both the BBC and Channel 4 have made a name for himself as an antiques expert on shows like the Antiques Road Trip and Four Room. However, his life could have been ...
For 15 series, Road Trip experts had been scouring the country looking for antiques that could make a big profit at auction. Paul’s profit of £19,940 may take some beating, but his discovery ...
Antiques Road Trip, and Trust Me I'm a Dealer. Known for his charm and encyclopaedic knowledge of antiques, Paul's career has taken him from auction rooms to living rooms across the UK.