Cold Temperatures for an Insect . Like hibernating bears, many insects slow their bodily processes during the tough winter ...
Although the continent of Antarctica is usually described as a hostile, frozen wilderness, surprisingly unique animals exist that ... incredible adaptability of life in the deep, cold waters ...
Picture an Antarctic animal and most people think of penguins, but there is a flightless midge, the only known insect native to Antarctica ... during its two-year life cycle by undergoing ...
It’s an animal, not a plant—a cousin of sea stars ... An octopus jets above a seabed packed with life. Antarctica has at least 16 species of octopuses. All have a specialized pigment in ...
Ferrari’s group uses molecular biology techniques to analyze life forms in several desert sites in eastern Antarctica, including Robinson Ridge and Adams Flats ... Besides bacteria, microscopic ...
Picture an Antarctic animal and most people think of penguins, but there is a flightless midge, the only known insect native to Antarctica ... during its two-year life cycle by undergoing ...
Scientists have found evidence for an ancient sea passage linking currently isolated areas of Antarctica. The evidence comes from a study of tiny marine animals living either side of the 2km thick ...
During the late Cretaceou period, the landmass that is now Antarctica would have been more like a temperate rainforest, capable of supporting all forms of life. And, maybe most importantly ...