Anansi is a mischievous spider who appears in traditional stories from Africa and the Caribbean. In this story Anansi tricks his friends into falling asleep on a magical moss-covered rock.
What kind of a creature is Anansi and what is he like? What are the magic words that send the speaker to sleep? ('Isn't this a strange, moss-covered rock!'). Who does Anansi trick and what does he ...
A West African folk tale about a spider who is presented with a dilemma when each of his six sons saves his life and he must determine which one he should reward ...
In a desperate plea to rid himself of Varnae’s curse, Miles comes face-to-face with the Black Panther goddess and a ...
Miles Morales and Black Panther went from working together to solve Miles’ vampirism to having a battle to the death. All ...
In West Africa, the name "Anansi" means spider - a well-loved trickster. This ancient mythical character represents the survival strategies of a people who secure a future for themselves in spite ...
Ananse, also spelled Anansi and Anancy, is one such folk hero of the African heritage diaspora. Half-human and half-spider, Ananse was created surrounded by wisdom, but in forgetting who he was went ...