Historians review the problems of re-building a region destroyed by four years of bitter war. "This is a white man's government" "We regard the Reconstruction Acts (so called) of Congress as ...
the American Civil War was a brutal conflict between the anti-slavery Union in the north and the pro-slavery Confederacy in the south. Taking place between 1861 and 1865, it was arguably the first ...
Pillow, Tennessee on April 12, 1864 100,000+ — Number of Civil War Union corpses found in the South through a federal ... 1,733 — Approximate number of American battlefield deaths in the ...
The Civil War was a military, cultural, political, and economic milestone in American history. For four years the nation was in a bloody divide that extended from the East Coast to the pioneer West ...
Wells acknowledged the evils of slavery, but said he wanted to make the people of Liverpool proud of their city's role in bolstering the South during the American Civil War, "to let Liverpool ...
In the south they celebrated. One Texan newspaper professed itself “thrilled by the death of our oppressor." The American Civil War left a bitter legacy. In the south, burned and devastated ...
After independence, internal divisions between the wealthier north and less-developed south triggered decades of violent conflict, including two civil wars. The second Sudanese civil war ...
The American Civil War was arguably one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of the United States. Fought over slavery, it divided families and communities and, of course, the nation.
Robert Smalls’s statue will be the first to honor an individual Black citizen on South Carolina State House grounds. In his famous 1858 speech, Abraham Lincoln warned that only civil war would ...
The American Civil War Museum actually comprises three sites: The American Civil War Museum at Historic Tredegar and the White House of the Confederacy can both be found in Richmond, while the ...