The Executive Brain is a popular account of the importance of the frontal lobes ... parts of them operate as a whole. We have doubts about this approach. For one thing, this was a dominant view ...
The largest part of the brain ... see Left Brain - Right Brain.) Lobes of the Brain The cerebral hemispheres are commonly mapped out based on four large regions—the frontal lobe, the temporal ...
The prefrontal cortex is a cortical area located in the anterior frontal lobe, including several subdivisions (e.g. ventromedial, dorsolateral, orbitofrontal cortices). The prefrontal cortex ...
All of us. We lie to save face ... Your Brain On Lies Three key parts of our brain are stimulated when we lie. First, the frontal lobe (of the neocortex), which has the ability to suppress ...
The researchers said most of the damage was found in the frontal lobe of the brain — beneath the part of the skull soccer players are taught to use to head the ball. “The potential effects of ...