Algae bloom is also known as greenwater, and if you’ve experienced it, you’ll understand why. Bloom appears quickly, and it ...
We now know why Florida fish spin in circles until they die We now know why Florida fish spin in circles until they die How to keep your dog safe from toxic blue-green algae How to keep your dog ...
Another two dozen technologies are still being tested, noted Michael Crosby, president & CEO of Mote Marine Laboratory & ...
Researchers with the University of Cincinnati have examined two such tools in addressing a toxin produced by harmful algae blooms, which are becoming increasingly common in waters around the world.
We are now in the middle of the summer recreational season on Chautauqua Lake, and lake algae and plants are topics of discussion by many. A recent conference organized by Chautauqua Institution ...
Circle of Blue spent five months investigating the causes, revealed solutions, and prepared a six-part project, “Danger Looms Where Toxic Algae Blooms,” a trail-blazing report on harmful algal blooms ...
Researchers say chlorine in combination with ultraviolet light works to degrade deadly toxins created by harmful algae blooms in drinking water. Treatment plants use a combination of tools to keep ...
For more information about the health effects of algae blooms, click here. Blue-green algae are a type of bacteria common in Florida’s freshwater environments. A bloom occurs when there is a ...
What is red tide? Deadly Florida bloom has killed 800 tons of fish along the Gulf Coast Toxic algal blooms could decimate wildlife and cost beachfront companies millions of dollars. Ohio residents ...
That’s a testament to there only being algae bloom advisories along Lake Mohave rather than full closures of certain sites. “It’s like saying there’s a bear in the woods,” Rackliffe said ...
The EU's Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission, offers a sweeping view of an algae bloom around the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic The European Union Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission back in November ...