Ainsley Earhardt was one of them, and she appeared to have minimal to no makeup on for the occasion. Of course, if you were ever going to go bare-faced on camera, this was a good excuse ...
In a bizarre write up by celebrity gossip magazine Nicki Swift, Ainsley Earhardt was urged to ditch the jackets and blazers in favor of a more youthful look. The 48-year-old Fox & Friends host ...
Ainsley Earhardt is the co-host of FOX News Channel's (FNC) FOX & Friends (weekdays 6-9AM/ET) alongside Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade and Lawrence Jones. She joined the network in 2007.Read More ...
Fox News’s Ainsley Earhardt and Sean Hannity said they are "overjoyed" to share the news. The "Fox & Friends" co-host shared how becoming a mom at age 40 shaped her parenting philosophy and ...
AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): I'm not thinking I trust the migrants to be watching my children in the swimming pool. LAWRENCE JONES (CO-HOST): But also the argument is flawed on the surface.