Malayalam actor Joju George’s purported phone call to a person who had criticised his latest movie, Pani, landed him in a controversy a couple of weeks ago. Joju had slammed Adarsh H S ...
Actor-director collaborations are making a strong comeback in Bollywood, promising a slew of exciting films. Notable reunions ...
Sharing a picture on Instagram with producer Ritesh Sidhwani, director Reema Kagti, and actor Adarsh Gourav, Akhtar highlighted the film's journey and its significance. The caption read ...
Siddhant Chaturvedi and Adarsh Gourav, too ... Extending his gratitude to the team, the actor stated, "Grateful to @arjunvarain.singh and @zoieakhtar @excelmovies @nandinishrikentcasting @karan ...
Luv Films Luv Ranjan and Ankur Garg renowned for their successful contributions to Hindi cinema are venturing into Marathi films with their upcoming project ...