When an irritating substance touches your skin, you’ll often get a reaction that resembles a burn with red, chapped, and dry skin. This skin reaction tends to be more painful than itchy.
With all these benefits, it’s no wonder the Egyptians called aloe “the plant of immortality.” ...
OLD continues to suffer from an undiagnosed disease which makes her skin “feel like acid” is being poured on her face when she laughs. Beth Tsangarides has attended hundreds ...
What are burns and scalds? Burns and scalds occur when excessive heat damages the skin. Burns are caused by dry heat (for example, a fire), and scalds are caused by something wet (like hot water). You ...
An NHS doctor has sounded the alarm on the dangers of overusing hot water bottles, warning that not only can they cause skin burns, but they may also increase the risk of a deadly cancer.
Research shows gaps in medical literature and clinical guidelines on burn injuries in darker skin may contribute to variations in care quality and outcomes.