AMD即将推出的RX 8000系列显卡备受瞩目,但与以往不同的是,该系列并未包含旗舰级产品,价格也预计将保持在相对亲民的范围内。作为AMD的重要合作伙伴,撼讯公司正紧锣密鼓地准备发布一个全新的入门级显卡系列——Reaper系列,该名称寓意“死神收割” ...
快科技12月16日消息,AMD RX 8000系列显卡没有旗舰,价格必然也不会太高,而 作为AMD显卡核心伙伴的撼讯,又在准备新的入门级显卡,命名为Reaper系列,死神收割的意思。 这倒也符合撼讯显卡的命名风格,满满的西方地狱风,从高到低分别是 ...
近期,显卡市场迎来了一则新消息:AMD RX 8000系列即将迎来新的入门级成员——撼讯Reaper系列显卡。这一系列显卡的名字依然延续了撼讯一贯的西方地狱风格,如Liquid Devil液魔、Red ...
AMD had something of a mixed year, but more was happening with its CPUs compared to the firm’s graphics cards.
AMD近日在显卡市场的布局引发了广泛关注,特别是其即将推出的RX ...
The demonstration was recorded by AMD and Red Hat, and made available here on YouTube. Tim Mueting, product manager of virtualization solutions at AMD, said that his company has been working with ...
Searching for the best AMD graphics card can be overwhelming with so many options on the market. While the best graphics cards are often a major investment, AMD’s lineup offers some of the best ...
However, despite the dire situation, Team Red is seemingly launching yet another new graphics card. According to a screenshot that was posted on the AMD subreddit, the company will be launching ...