这就导致了几乎所有的非RTX 40显卡都会使用AMD FSR 3的插帧技术来玩游戏。 与DLSS 3的封闭不同,FSR 3技术是完全开放的,不仅支持AMD自家的Radeon显卡 ...
DLSS, FSR, XeSS, and PSSR are truly revolutionary, and these AI resolution upscaling technologies are ushering in a new era.
在画质方面,由于采用了与DLSS相同的时间超级采样算法,FSR 23所呈现的画质与DLSS 3相比可以说有过之而无不及。 我们也希望AMD能够加大推广力度 ...
The release was much better for support than the original FSR 3, but considering the quality boost AMD was claiming, support was slow out of the gate. Moreover, that list of 55 games is just those ...
随着游戏产业的蓬勃发展,玩家们对于游戏体验的追求也日益提升,尤其是对于那些追求极致视觉效果的3A大作爱好者来说,显卡的性能成为了他们最为关注的话题。在众多显卡技术中,AMD的FSR 3技术凭借其出色的性能表现和广泛的兼容性,成为了不少玩家的心头好。
爆料称AMD将在CES 2025上带来FSR 4技术,利用AI进一步优化画质和能效表现。 此前AMD已经确认将会在CES 2025上带来多款新品,而最新消息显示,AMD有可能 ...
AMD即将在CES 2025上掀起一场技术风暴,据可靠消息透露,该公司计划在此次盛会上隆重推出FSR 4.0超分技术和Radeon RX 9070 XT显卡,同时还将带来备受期待的锐龙9 9000X3D系列处理器。 FSR ...
which forces FSR 3 into the game. This means handhelds with an AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme or similar processor could now get a genuinely smooth experience. This makes it a possibility that some of the ...