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After just a week of life, however, the same ferret's brain activity shifts. They observed stable neural patterns linked to representations of visual stimuli. As part of their study, the ...
The findings, published in Cell Reports, demonstrate that the primary visual cortex, also called V1, in monkeys shows two different patterns of brain activity depending on whether their eyes are ...
What is Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)? CVI refers to a brain condition, not an eye condition and results from damage to the ... While reviewing the checklist, here are some important facts to keep ...
Researchers have discovered that breathing affects pupil size, with the pupil being smallest during inhalation and largest during exhalation.
Attempts to transplant human brain organoids into young mice and rats have recently proven successful, but few scientists had tried using them in adult, damaged brains. In this case, Chen and his team ...