To sum up my semester as editor-in-chief in one letter is a complex task. I want to start off by giving thanks to every ...
I recently had the privilege of staffing the Sandhills Children’s Center Festival of Trees with volunteers. Every day of the festival, it took 24 volunteers to fill the positions, from ...
We owe a tremendous thank you to the students, advisers, sponsors, and donors who made this possible. Your generosity not only supports the Great Plains Food Bank but also fuels the hopes of ...
I would like to thank the First Presbyterian Church, on Lincoln Street, downtown Johnstown, for the excellent Thanksgiving dinner. When you have no family, your friends are few and you are all alone, ...
The phrase “thank you” doesn’t seem to contain what is needed to express what my family feels in receiving so much love from ...
Thank you for fighting for us. Thank you for pushing through the red tape. Thank you for shattering the glass ceiling time and time again. Thank you for showing me that there is hope. Thank you ...