That's what an $8 ticket surcharge gets you when you book reserved seating in a 4DX-enhanced movie theater ... Surprisingly, the moving seats enhance the slow moments very effectively.
Star Wars fans are igniting their lightsabers with joy at the news that Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, is returning to ...
To this growing list joins the recent addition of the 4DX movie experience. The cutting-edge technology, developed in 2009 by Korean company CJ 4DPlex, features physical effects such as seat ...
According to Xfinity, the 4DX film will allow the audience to "feel the magic of Oz" and includes synchronized motion seats .
Officially opened this month, the brand new 4DX auditorium features 128 high-tech moving seats and over 21 special ... event-cinemas-opens-the-first-4dx-movie-experience-in-western-australia ...
4DX is the latest technology transforming the movie experience ... Los Angeles is now the first and only US city to have a 4DX theater, showcasing the latest version that includes three motion ...