在当今游戏行业,许多开发者不断追求更高的图形质量和更复杂的玩法,然而一款仅有13KB大小的游戏却以其独特的魅力震惊了玩家们。它不仅成功实现了3D图形渲染,还能够支持光线追踪技术,这让许多人对游戏的潜力与未来产生了新的思考和兴奋。究竟这样一款小体积的游 ...
He started out with the Moller-Trumbore algorithm, a common ray-tracing algorithm that calculates the intersection of a ray with a triangular plane without doing any pre-calculation of the planes.
If there's one area where AMD's graphics cards need to improve, it's ray tracing. Now the latest rumour suggests a big boost ...
The company’s in-house render engine has been reworked to allow for seamless software updates, a unified lighting system featuring ray tracing, and a fully customizable PBR material workflow ...
To register your interest please contact [email protected] providing details of the course you are teaching. This complete introduction to the use of modern ray tracing techniques in plasma ...
It isn’t news that [s0lly] likes to do ray tracing using Microsoft Excel. However, he recently updated his set up to use functions in a C XLL — a DLL, really — to accelerate the Excel rendering.
A great Kirk, Spock and Saavik Star Trek fan film. It is made by OTOY.
Tencent and Intel have announced the Sunday Dragon 3D One, a new handheld gaming PC with a glasses-free 3D display. The ...