美国特拉华州破产法院裁定,Three Arrows Capital(3AC)可将其对 FTX 的破产索赔金额从 1.2 亿美元提升至 15.3 亿美元。尽管 FTX 方面反对,称此举可能会 ...
美国特拉华州破产法院批准已倒闭对冲基金 Three Arrows Capital (3AC) 的清算人将其对 FTX 的索赔扩大至 15.3 亿美元,并驳回了 FTX 债务人的反对意见。
The Delaware bankruptcy court handling the FTX estate approved a petition on Thursday from Three Arrows Capital (3AC) to significantly expand its claim against the estate from $120 million to $1. ...
Newly revealed court documents show that FTX secretly liquidated $1.53 billion in Three Arrows Capital (3AC) assets just two weeks before the hedge fund collapsed in 2022. The disclosure ...
also known as 3AC, in mid-2022. “Yet, the price is still close to 100k USD,” he added alongside corresponding Glassnode data. In his latest round of price predictions, Bill Barhydt ...
The impact rippled through the entire crypto industry. 3AC faced insolvency fears on June 16 after it failed to meet margin calls from its lenders. 3AC was ordered into liquidation on June 27.