A number of people had spotted the Linda T., a 1984 Bayliner registered in New York, adrift in the icy waters of Sandy Hook ...
Two men adrift off the North Carolina coast needed to be rescued when it became clear their sailboat was beyond saving, according to the U.S Coast Guard. It happened Tuesday, Jan. 28, approximately ...
Resources from Air Station Elizabeth City helped rescue two men who were on a sinking sailboat more than 100 miles off the ...
WILMINGTON, N.C. (WNCN) — United States Coast Guard crews rescued two men from a sinking boat off the coast of North Carolina Tuesday. According to the USCG, two men were in a 32-foot sailboat named ...
The Coast Guard rescued two men approximately 103 miles east of Wilmington, N.C., Tuesday.The pair called for help when their ...
The District Five Command Center coordinated the rescue operation by directing the launch of a C-130 Hercules airplane and MH ...