All women should be screened for syphilis with a nontreponemal test (eg, rapid plasma reagin [RPR] or venereal disease research laboratory [VDRL] test) in the first trimester. Those at high risk ...
Once acquired, syphilis can pass through 4 distinct stages of disease: primary syphilis, secondary syphilis, latent syphilis, and tertiary syphilis, with each stage being characterized by ...
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the earliest warning signs of the primary stage of syphilis appear as sores at ...
Congenital syphilis cases are rising across the US. Discover how prevention screening and treatment can protect infant health ...
James Carville took to social media to share his thoughts on President Donald Trump's behavior with Ukrainian President ...
But it's also possible for the infection to be passed on from mother to child through the womb - this is called congenital syphilis. Dr Grant said: "This infection has a number of stages ...
The already record number of syphilis cases in Japan this year has ... The preliminary figure is the first to exceed 10,000 since 1999, when the current data-collecting method started.