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At the Hippo Motor Group we provide vehicles and vans for everyone. With a range of different vehicle specifications and packages available we are sure we can find the perfect car for anyone. …
At the Hippo Motor Group we provide vehicles and vans for everyone. With a range of different vehicle specifications and packages available we are sure we can find the perfect car for anyone. Hippo Leasing is the Car Lease arm of the Motor Group. We offer no deposit car lease and we will also work with customers who have got poor credit. Hippo Prestige deal with cars from manufacturers such as Aston Martin, Land Rover, Audi, Bentley and many more. Our new showroom at Trident Park has allowed us to start a brand new Service Centre. This is to provide professional and manufacturer quality services for customers and the public.
Outstanding Service!! Hippo Leasing process from start to finish was stress free, from the moment I wanted to liaise the deal Sarah went above and beyond to keep me updated and engaged. MattW-775的完整评论
I placed an order for a car which was in stock - agreed the lease costs and term and signed the contracts. Hippo ordered and delivered the model I had asked for but with the wrong specification and e… ChrisS-2721的完整评论
Brilliant at start, then down hill to point received car Tuesday, broke down Friday, no help from Hippo, just gave out numbers for me to call to sort myself, then had cheek to say it depends what war… AndreaP-217的完整评论
Car leasing and finance options are financial agreements. This requires you to be 18-years-old when you sign up to an agreement. This covers across the board whether...