Dr. Eric Linden is a periodontist (gum disease specialist) in the field of Laser Periodontal Surgery which includes LANAP, periodontics, regeneration, and dental implants. He has been practicing his …
Dr. Eric Linden is a periodontist (gum disease specialist) in the field of Laser Periodontal Surgery which includes LANAP, periodontics, regeneration, and dental implants. He has been practicing his specialty since 1985. Dr. Linden's Qualifications Dr. Eric Linden is one of the first LANAP practitioners on the east coast. With 26 years' experience in periodontal specialty practice, he now performs LANAP laser procedures every day. He has treated thousands of patients, performing tooth extractions, implants, and other periodontal procedures with LANAP. Unfortunately, most periodontists still treat advanced gum disease with traditional surgery which is better treated with LANAP. Although Dr. Linden still utilizes traditional surgery in some cases, a majority of his patients qualify for the LANAP protocol. Many of Dr.