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Home of The Ramsey Show, The Dr. John Delony Show and The Ken Coleman Show, Ramsey Solutions helps people build wealth, do work they love and create lasting relationships. You might know …
Home of The Ramsey Show, The Dr. John Delony Show and The Ken Coleman Show, Ramsey Solutions helps people build wealth, do work they love and create lasting relationships. You might know our founder, Dave Ramsey, as the "get out of debt" guy, but he has also helped hundreds of thousands of people continue their personal finance journey to become millionaires. Our budgeting tool, EveryDollar, and flagship course, Financial Peace University, empower people to take control of their money. Our podcasts, events, and best-selling books educate millions in the areas of mental health and wellness, business, careers, relationships and money. Visit us in Franklin, TN, just south of Nashville.
But then there’s that other feeling—that cold-in-the-armpits, slightly panicky feeling. It comes when it hits you, What if something happens to me? Or my spouse? What would happen to the kids? How would anyone know what to do?
So here you are, reading about wills because you know making one will protect your family if anything happens to you. I’m proud of you for being here...
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