    • Human CD31 Protein - High-quality CD31 proteins

      赞助High homogeneity. Suitable for immunization, neutralizing antibody screening and more. High homogeneity and bioactivity verified. Protocols offered for free.

      3-5 days global delivery · High Lots-consistency · 90%+ MALS verified purity

      Types: Recombinant proteins, Biotinylated Proteins, Antibodies, Kits/beads, Cell lines
    • Dynabeads™ CD31 - Isolate or Deplete CD31+

      赞助Easily isolate and characterize any cell type with Dynabeads® magnetic beads. State-of-the art cell isolation and activation technology for research use.
      Types: KingFisher™, TRIzol, Dynabeads, Invitrogen™, BindIt, MagMAX, HulaMixer®