• QuantStudio™ qPCR Systems | QuantStudio™ qPCR Instruments

    https://www.thermofisher.com › qPCR › Instruments
    赞助Real-Time qPCR systems designed to reduce contamination and increase productivity. QuantStudio Real-Time PCR systems detect changes in gene expressions as low as 1.5-fold.
    Brands: Applied Biosystems™, SYBR, TaqMan™, QuantStudio™, Absolute Q™
    • Real Time PCR Diagnostic Test | CLIA-Waived PCR Testing

      https://info.cepheid.com › pcr › diagnostics
      赞助Optimize Patient Care & Clinical Decision-Making w/ 20+ FDA-Cleared or Authorized Tests. Get Accurate, High-Quality Real-Time PCR Results When & Where You Need Them Most.

      Accuracy · Speed, Accuracy, Scalable · Quality · Patient-Centric Diagnosis

      Types: Xpert® Xpress Strep A, Xpert®XpressCoV-2/Flu/RSV, Xpert® SA Nasal Complete