    • QuantStudio™ qPCR Instruments | QuantStudio™ qPCR Systems

      https://www.thermofisher.com › qPCR › Instruments
      赞助Explore QuantStudio qPCR Systems. Request a quote or demo today! QuantStudio Real-Time PCR systems detect changes in gene expressions as low as 1.5-fold.

      Friendly Software · Precise Quantification · Applied Biosystems™ qPCR

      Models: QuantStudio 6 Pro, QuantStudio 7 Pro, QuantStudio 6 Flex, QuantStudio 7 Flex
    • Bio-Rad PrimePCR Assays | Designed for qPCR and ddPCR

      赞助Use for Gene Expression, CNV, and Mutation Detection Analysis for Real-Time PCR & ddPCR. Browse Our Library Of Almost 10,000 Pathway or Disease PCR Arrays for Your Research Needs.

      Use 50% Fewer Cells · Discover New Targets · Push-Button Data Analysis · Publishable Results

      Types: qPCR Detection Systems, PCR Reagents, PCR Reagents and Plastics, Thermal Cyclers
    • Pediatric low-grade glioma | Time for a targeted start?

      赞助R/R pLGG treatment has its own goals and challenges. Could this treatment help? Target BRAF fusions and BRAF point mutations with this pediatric treatment.

      Study Results · Safety and Tolerability · Mechanism of Action · Sign Up for More Info