    • IGF-1R CAR, pCDCAR1 - For Pancreatic Cancer

      赞助Ready to Use. High Quality CAR/TCR Products for Immunotherapy Research. Lentiviral Vetors and DNA-encoded mAbs for CAR-T and TCR-T Cell Therapy Development
      网站访客: 过去一个月超过 10K 名

      Experienced Experts · Highly Customized · 24/7 Serivce · Free Consultant

      Service catalog: Custom miRNA Synthesis, miRNA Inhibitor Synthesis
    • IGF-1R Growth Factor - IGF-1R Inhibitor

      赞助High Quality Small-molecule Inhibitors (Inhibitors, Agonists and Modulators). Most of our products can be supplied ranging from milligrams to kilograms scale.
      网站访客: 过去一个月超过 10K 名

      Full Service · For Research Use · 24hr Delivery! · Not Drugs

      Service catalog: Research Use Only, Small Molecule Inhibitors, Enzyme Inhibitors