    • Thermo Fisher Scientific | Try TaqMan qPCR for 25% Off

      赞助Pair TaqMan qPCR master mixes and TaqMan Assays and save 25% on your order. Don't let shrinking budgets hold you back. Empower progress & save on TaqMan qPCR bundles
      Models: QuantStudio 6 Pro, QuantStudio 7 Pro, QuantStudio 6 Flex, QuantStudio 7 Flex
    • Precise qPCR Performance | qPCR Kits | Direct From Cell to qPCR

      https://www.neb.com › luna › q-pcr
      赞助Conduct Fluorescence-Based Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) With Luna® Products From NEB. Luna® Products From NEB Are Optimized For qPCR Or RT-qPCR & Deliver Robust Performance.
      Types: WarmStart LAMP Kit, GMP-Grade Reagents, LunaScript RT SuperMix, Lyoprime Luna
    • Real Time Qpcr | For Standard & Real-Time qPCR

      https://www.bio-rad.com › PCR & qPCR › Reagents & Kits
      赞助Use Our Interactive PCR/qPCR Reagents Selector to Find The Right Products for Your Needs. Browse Our Wide Selection and Find the Best PCR & qPCR Reagents for Your Application.
      Types: qPCR Detection Systems, PCR Reagents, PCR Reagents and Plastics, Thermal Cyclers