    • Payment Processing Services | Payment Processing App

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      赞助In-Store, Online, & Beyond. With Heartland®, Accept Payments Anytime, Anywhere. Heartland Offers Top-Rated Credit Card Processing Solutions for All Your Business Needs
      Types: Heartland Restaurant, Heartland Retail, Heartland Payroll, Heartland Hire
    • MuleSoft® Anypoint Platform™ | MuleSoft® Integration Platform

      https://www.mulesoft.com › payments › modernization
      赞助Learn how our customers accelerate IT projects with an average 78% faster time-to-market. Increase productivity, lower costs, and reduce time to market with MuleSoft.
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      Open and Universal · Easy Scalability · Future-Proofed · High Availability

    • Online Payments By Wave | A Better Way To Get Paid

      赞助Multiple payment options. Bank-grade security. Pay-per-use transaction fees. 1: Add a "Pay now" button to your invoices. 2: Accept online payments. 3: Profit.
      网站访客: 过去一个月超过 10K 名

      Limited Time Offer · See Month-to-Month Trends · Automate accounting

      Service catalog: Auto-Accounting, Customizable Invoices, Online Payments Solution