    • Agile Principles Course - Coursera

      赞助Show employers you have the skills to be a project manager with a Microsoft credential. Equip yourself for a career in project management with the latest skills from Microsoft.

      275+ University Partners · 31M+ Learners · Get Ready for a Career · Shareable Certificate

    • Agile Principles - Introduction to Agile

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      赞助Start Learning Excel in the most interactive way. Unlock the power of Excel for data analysis
      网站访客: 过去一个月超过 10K 名
    • Agile Planning Template | Agile Planning

      https://lucidspark.com › agile
      赞助Collaboration, agile development tools, infinite canvas, voting and more. Lucidspark is a whiteboard tool that helps teams succeed with agile development.
      Typen: Whiteboard online, Online samenwerking, Online sticky notes, Brainstormen