    • SLB | H2S Removal from Oil | Hydrogen Sulfide Removal

      https://www.slb.com › H2S Scavengers
      赞助Liquid scavengers can be applied via continuous injection or used in H2S contactor towers. Used downhole in deepwater fields; in multiphase, gas, or oil pipelines; or in refineries.

      Petrochemical Plants · Refineries · Proven nonhazardous · Support for Recycling

    • SULFURTRAP® H2S Removal | Lasts 2-3 Times Longer

      https://www.chemicalproductsokc.com › H2S_Removal
      赞助SULFURTRAP® EX Represents the Next Generation of Fixed Bed H2S Removal Technology. Proven To Increase Process Efficiency, Minimize Downtown, And Reduce Operating Costs.

      Industry Leaders · Environmentally Friendly · Less Maintenance · Request Quote

      Brands: SulfurTrap®, SulfurTrap®Ex, SulfurTrap®HT8