Interleukin 4 human | Cytokines: Interleukins
赞助Suitable for immunization/screening/ELISA/SPR/BLI/cell culture. GMP-grade IL-4 available! Interleukin and receptor proteins with high purity and high activity. Free Protocols.Highly praised&much cited · High Lots-consistency · HEK293 expressed proteins
Types: Recombinant proteins, Biotinylated Proteins, Antibodies, Kits/beads, Cell linesIL4 Protein - In Stock | cGMP Grade Available | ptglab.com
赞助HEK293 derived and animal component-free. High bioactivity and stability. Shipped in 1-3 business days. Bulk sizes available.网站访客: 过去一个月超过 10K 名